WhatsApp has expanded Channels, its Telegram-like feature that shows updates from creators, organizations, and brands. Meta announced that the feature will be rolled out in over 150 countries, with “thousands” of such organizations and public figures participating.
Channels, which is separate from Chats, can be followed by users of WhatsApp. The rollout follows an initial launch in June, where Channels were made available in Colombia and Singapore.
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Updates to the feature include admins of Channels having the power to edit their posts. There’s also an enhanced directory, where users can discover Channels filtered by country and other metrics like how active they are and how many followers they have. People can also react to posts on Channels with emojis.
Olivia Rodrigo on Channels.
Credit: WhatsApp
Amongst the well-known names on Channels are musicians Olivia Rodrigo, David Guetta, companies like Netflix, and football clubs like Liverpool FC, Everton, FC Barcelona and Real Madrid.
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