

    NASA rover finds place where ‘exciting’ events occurred on Mars

    Great floods once poured down a towering Martian mountain. And NASA's dust-covered Curiosity rover has proof. The car-sized NASA robot has spent much of...

    Scientists discover fascinating tunnel on the moon

    Scientists have long suspected the moon may harbor dark labyrinths. They now have proof one exists. In 2010, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, a satellite...

    NASA reveals how it will plunge the space station into Earth’s ocean

    The International Space Station, weighing in at nearly 1 million pounds, will meet a dramatic death.After breaking apart and largely vaporizing while falling through...

    NASA spacecraft just flew over 500 times the speed of sound

    A fortified NASA spacecraft has reached nearly 400,000 mph — again.That's the fastest a human-built machine has ever flown. And it will keep picking...

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