

    Webb captures the arresting beauty of a perfect spiral galaxy

    The sweeping tentacles of Messier-51, a galaxy about 27 million light-years away in space, have been a popular target for astronomers for years. Lying...

    Why landing a spaceship on the moon is still so challenging

    At only some 1,600 feet above the moon's surface, Neil Armstrong grabbed control of the Apollo moon lander. The spacecraft's computer had guided the...

    High-speed object just crashed into Jupiter, footage shows

    Boom.Amateur astronomers often film Jupiter, the gas giant planet over 300 times more massive than Earth, in order to study activity on the iconic...

    India’s moon rover snaps historic portraits of its tenacious lander

    India's lunar rover snapped photos of its mother lander for posterity Wednesday, showing the spacecraft standing tall at the moon's desolate south pole region....

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